Bee Stung Page 9
“Whore. You’re a useless slut, Rienne. God, what was I thinking sticking my dick in you? You know I had myself tested weekly for the first six months we were together? Just to be sure you didn’t give me anything.” Tyler’s words swirled in her head, and a dart of shame went through her. Maybe he was right. Here she was, becoming aroused at the thought of having sex with several men. No! Damn it, I can’t keep doing this. Tyler was an asshole, I won’t keep letting him hurt me, she thought resolutely. She froze and took several deep breaths as she pushed away his foul words. Tyler had no place here. This was her fresh start; she wasn’t going to give him the power to ruin it for her.
Finishing with the cilantro, she dumped it in the pan and stirred it with a wooden spoon, ignoring the way Shiloh’s gaze has sharpened on her. The mixture needed to simmer while she fried small chunks of beef to add later.
Shiloh finally lifted the ale and took a healthy swallow. “Gonna take a shower. Be back in a few.” He trudged toward the door, bottle in hand. Pausing, he turned back to her. “Damn. I didn’t even kiss you.”
When he started back to her, she pointed at him threateningly with the wooden spoon. “No kisses till you get whatever that is off you. Dinner has at least an hour to go. Take a bath instead and soak for a while. What the hell is on you anyway?” She gave the pan another stir and added ground cayenne pepper, garlic, and basil.
He laughed and backed away. “Yes, ma’am. One of the locals decided to bring some young pigs to town, and they got loose in the park.” He blew her a kiss and disappeared out the door.
She opened the back door and a couple windows to air out the kitchen and returned to making dinner. Tyler’s voice intruded on her a few more times, but she shook it off each time, determined to let go of the dirty, shameful, feelings he seemed so talented at bringing out in her.
Foxglove wandered in while she was peeling potatoes. The scent of lemons and vanilla surrounded her as he slid his arms around her waist and pressed himself against her back. “Whatcha making?” he asked, nibbling on her ear.
She tilted her head to give him better access. “Dinner.” She felt him smile against her skin. Dropping the potato, she turned and looped her arms around his neck, careful to keep her hands out of his hair. A small sigh of pleasure escaped her as he gently kissed her. “Stay the night with me?” she asked softly, wanting the warm reassurance of his weight against her while she slept.
“Yes,” he whispered against her lips before stealing those tiny sipping kisses she was coming to love.
Pressing a little closer, she took a deeper kiss as the peaceful feeling of rightness filled her.
They pulled apart when Declan stomped in the back door, carrying a large box of withered winter apples. He raised an eyebrow and smirked. “Brought you some leftover apples, thought you might be talked into making a bit of applesauce for an old man, Miss Rienne.”
“Sure, Declan, how about I make you some apple butter too?” Rienne felt her cheeks warm and turned to the stove to stir dinner.
“Sounds lovely. Well, I’ll be off again.” He set the box on the floor with a thump and a wink and was out the door.
“How many for dinner tonight?” Foxglove stole another kiss before taking out dishes and cutlery and disappearing into the dining room to set the table after she answered.
Contentment filled her as they worked quietly together to finish dinner. Shiloh came down a bit later and worked on some paperwork at the kitchen table. Occasionally he looked at her and Foxglove sharply. Once she caught him sniffing Foxglove as the smaller man passed him. Her cheeks heated as she realized he could smell the bath oil on both of them.
While the food cooked, she got out her slow cooker and started peeling and slicing apples into it while Foxglove juiced a lemon for her. Both men seemed fascinated with watching her cook, which made her idly wonder how long it has been since they had eaten home-cooked meals on a regular basis.
The pot was half-full by the time dinner was ready, so she added a little water and scooped the cores and peelings into the plastic bucket she was using to store food trash for the compost pile.
Dandy and Thistle showed up about the time dinner was finished and happily ate what was left over while Rienne sweetened and thickened some heavy cream to pour over the top of the still-warm bread pudding she had made for dessert.
After dessert they adjourned to the living room to go over the last of the repairs to the house and make lists of what materials they needed. Around nine o’clock, Dandy and Thistle took their leave after a good-natured bout of flirting. Shiloh went up to his room after stealing a good-night kiss from Rienne.
She looked at Foxglove, trying to gauge his reaction to the kiss, but he simply smiled and took her hand, leading her up the stairs to her bedroom. What the hell happened today? First I’m debating if I even want to date someone, and now, within the space of a few hours, it feels like Foxglove and I are in a committed relationship. What is wrong with me? He probably thinks this is casual, so why doesn’t it feel the same to me?
He took his time stripping her clothing off, kissing every inch of skin as it was exposed. Once she was nude, he went to his knees and flicked a teasing lick along her slit, making her suck in a sudden breath. He stood slowly, twirling his tongue along her torso and breasts before stepping away to tug his clothing off. Swallowing another small burst of apprehension over how quickly things were moving, she focused on him. Biting her lip at the sudden throb between her legs as he bared himself to her, she admired his smooth alabaster skin and the rigid, curved length of his phallus. A drop of precum welled on the glans, and she licked her lips, wondering what he tasted like. How the satiny skin stretched tight across the mushroomed tip would feel against her tongue, the first moments of discovering the flavor unique to him, whether he tasted salty or sweet or maybe a little musky.
She pushed him onto the bed and straddled his hips, leaning down onto her elbows to kiss him passionately. A squeak escaped her when he suddenly grabbed her waist and neatly flipped them. His hair cascaded around them in a glowing red curtain of spirals. He smiled wickedly before his mouth crashed down over hers, tongue thrusting aggressively into her mouth.
“I’m not feeling very gentle tonight, Rienne,” he whispered throatily after he ended the lustful kiss. “And I most definitely plan to move this time.” Saying that, he slid down her body and pushed her thighs roughly apart. Latching his mouth on to her pussy, he pushed his tongue inside in an erotic, intimate kiss. He pushed her knees up and out, holding her wide open so he could feast on her sensitive flesh.
Rienne gasped, arching into his mouth, a little stunned by his sudden aggression. Where had her gentle lover disappeared to? Within moments she was writhing under him, unsure if she wanted to be closer to the delicious sensations or was trying to get away. It was almost too much stimulation as his velvety tongue laved her nub in long, firm strokes. He purred against her, seeming to be absorbed in his carnal task. Taking his time as the tip of his tongue explored each crease and crevice before dipping down to scoop up the cream flowing from her dripping sex.
Threading her fingers in his long hair, she tried to pull him away as mewling little gasps and pants escaped her lips. In response he grasped her wrists and held them firmly against the mattress, wedging his shoulders between her legs so she couldn’t close them. Soft, wet sounds drifted up from between her legs where he lapped at her with evident enjoyment.
Helplessly squeezing her eyes closed, she screamed as a sudden orgasm came boiling up. Her clit felt like it was pulsing in time with her heartbeat while an aching burn started deep in her empty core. Her vaginal muscle clenched on nothing as she writhed on the twisted sheets.
She lifted her hips anxiously as Foxglove sat up and guided his cock to her moist pussy and began to press in. He draped her knees over his arms and grasped her wrists again. Using her wrists for leverage, he pulled her toward him as he thrust hard, making her squirm against the taut stretching of her delicate flesh.
A guttural groan escaped him as he paused, fully embedded, and rolled his hips in a way that sent luxurious waves of bliss through her whole body. Tilting his head back, he set a hard, pounding rhythm which soon had both of them crying out.
Rienne twisted and bucked as best she could to meet him, but the position he had pushed her into limited her movements. The lack of control was as arousing as the heated pleasure suffusing his face. Almost electric shocks shook her each time he hit her cervix, quickly driving her toward another explosive orgasm. But, it held back and teetered, driving her nearly insane as the minutes passed. It built and hung heavily over her like a storm about to break.
She tried to pull her hands free, desperately wanting to rub her clit for the extra little bit she’d need to come, but he merely tightened his grip and slammed into her harder.
Finally, after she thought her teeth would break from clenching together, he lurched against her with a hoarse shout and spilled his seed in hot jets and throbs. Shaking, he rolled his hips a little more to grind his pelvis into her clit, sending her over the edge after him.
Releasing her wrists, he bent over her until their foreheads touched, and panted. “Squeeze me again, baby,” he whispered and rolled his hips again to send more darts of pleasure through her.
“Too much,” she whimpered, buckling weakly against him and then moaning when he responded by reaching between their bodies to tease the overstimulated bundle of nerves at the apex of her slit.
“It’s never too much, Rienne.” He took her mouth in a wet, open kiss. “I’m going to spank your sweet ass, and then I’m going to fuck you all night long,” he whispered into her ear after breaking the kiss.
She shuddered and wrapped her arms around his back, wanting anything he wanted to give her. “I thought you were sweet and shy,” she moaned softly between kisses. Languorous pleasure suffused her entire body, radiating from deep in her cunt where his half-hard prick still nestled.
He smiled against her lips. “I’m just like you, baby,” he whispered. “I’m only shy until I get to know someone.” A slow, lazy thrust had them both sighing. “But, you chose me, and that makes me confident, and I promise to do everything in my power to make sure you never regret it.”
Lacing his fingers in hers, he pressed her hands to either side of her head as he slowly worked his hardening shaft in and out of her tight slit. “Mine,” he growled, biting down on her shoulder with surprisingly sharp teeth.
“Yours,” she agreed with a gasp.
SHILOH GROANED AND fisted his raging erection with hard, fast jerks. Within moments he was spewing his seed into the air and over his chest. He groaned and relaxed against the pillows, listening to the fading sounds of the lovers in the room above his. The sound of the bed rocking stopped, and every once in a while she would cry out again.
When he had taken the room right below Rienne’s at her request, he had no idea the woman planned on torturing him with the sounds of her lovemaking. And it was a form of torture.
He panted for a moment before rolling off the bed to get a towel to wipe the cooling cum and oil he had used as lube off his skin. Finished with the chore, he dropped back onto the bed and stared up at the ceiling, wondering just what Foxglove was doing up there to ring the screams and moans from her throat like that. God, that was hot!
Minutes later she cried out again, and he sighed as his wilted penis twitched in response. I don’t remember these walls being this thin when I lived here before, he thought as he reached for the bottle of baby oil he had left on the nightstand.
Listening to the increasing frequency of the sighs and whimpers above him, he let his mind wander into a fantasy of what was happening upstairs. Was her pubic hair curly or straight? Did she go au natural, maybe a neatly trimmed strip, or, even better, shave entirely. Was it golden brown or darker?
He bucked into his hand as a sharp sound echoed in the room, followed quickly by a yelp from Rienne. Oh God, is he spanking her? Making her ass all red and fiery? He imagined how hot and sexy it would feel as he took her from behind after a light strapping. With a low groan, his fist moved faster and faster around his swollen length. He imagined slamming into her silky wet pussy over and over again.
His second orgasm was long in coming, and he knew he’d be sore the next day as he wiped the semen from his skin tiredly. With another sigh he closed his eyes and swallowed hard. Listening to them was hot and sexy and frustrating as hell.
Just as he was drifting off, they started up again, and he covered his head with a pillow and groaned as his cock plumped in response. It was going to be a long night.
Chapter Four
Cass held the small vial above her head and snickered at her glaring cousin. “You sure you need this? I could dump it out. After all, you got all smexy with Foxglove last night.” She danced out of the way as Rienne jumped up, trying to swipe the vial.
“You are an evil wretch!” Rienne pouted. “You know I can use any I can get my hands on to start a new colony.” She crossed her arms under her breasts. Cass had been teasing her unmercifully since she had popped into Rienne’s bedroom to wake her up and found Foxglove tangled in the sheets, still asleep. The wicked, happy smile she had given Rienne hadn’t quite left her face since.
Cass gave in with a grin. “I know. I’m just teasing. It’s good to see you happy. Is that a hickey I see on your neck? And damn can I just say your boy is fine!” She handed over a vial filled with Dar’s semen, chuckling at Rienne’s red cheeks. “Are the boxes set up?”
“Yeah. I transferred the egg combs and a few honeycombs into them last night. The new hives should have a good start. Be right back.” Rienne disappeared into the bathroom.
She came out a few minutes later, having inserted Dar’s semen into her vagina, and both the women went outside. After a careful survey of the area to be sure no one was nearby, Rienne stripped off her clothing. “Ready?”
“Not gonna freak out this time?” Rienne asked with a grin.
Cass wrinkled her nose. “Not gonna freak.” The first time Rienne had transformed, Cass had set to screaming loud enough to bring the whole family bolting out of the house. They were thirteen at the time, and the shift had been a surprising twist on Rienne’s first menstrual cycle. Luckily it had happened during a summer break while they were visiting Uncle Hiram. “Damn, woman, when was the last time you shaved your legs? Foxglove is down with the yeti-woman look, I take it?”
“I needed the extra hair, and he didn’t say a damned thing, smartass.” She had also eaten a huge high-calorie breakfast. “Got the honey water?” All her body hair from the neck down would be gone when she became human again, and she knew from experience she would be absolutely exhausted. The shift seemed to take certain things from her body and after learning to channel it years earlier, she had learned how to control what went and what stayed. Now she could shift every few days and not need to shave her legs.
When she had realized she would be creating more bees than normal, she hadn’t shifted in an effort to build up some fat reserves, and let her hair grow long.
Cass held up a bottle. “Yep.” She patted the rucksack slung over her shoulder. “Got a few snacks too, since we’re gonna be out here so long.”
Rienne took a deep breath and focused her thoughts. Unlike most members of her family, she had to be careful how she shifted, or she could lose herself in a hive mind. Also unlike her family, she could leave bits of herself behind when she became human again. It was tiring and very, very difficult.
After a few more minutes, she let the magic of the change take her. One moment she was a human woman, and the next a queen honey bee. She was the size of a large dog surrounded by a huge swarm of bees, which were smaller parts of her body as well. Feeling disoriented by the shift, she stayed on the ground.
Rienne struggled to control the multitude of voices in her head. It took several minutes for her to separate herself from the drones and workers she would lose in the mating and t
o the creation of new hives. This allowed them to become independent creatures outside her control. When she regained her human form, they would stay bees instead of returning to her body, as the majority of the swarm would. Once she had everything in place, she sent the new queens she had created from her body into a frenzied mating dance with the drones she had also created, as well as drones from her existing hive. She wouldn’t release the queens from her control until the mating finished and they were ready to go into the prepared hives.
In a surprising twist, the queen from her first hive came out and danced on the lip where the workers bees entered and exited the hive. She piped and trilled, enticing some of the new drones to mate with her.
Rienne lifted into the air and hovered for a bit, watching the bees work. Everything seemed to be going according to plan. She mentally sighed with relief and relaxed a little. The rest of her existing hive joined her swarm and started collecting pollen for the new hives. This was very unusual behavior in bees and wouldn’t have worked if they hadn’t been descended from a shape-shifting human. Her bees were stronger, smarter, larger, and lived much longer than normal bees.
Rienne landed on the ground and concentrated on subduing the new queens’ instincts to kill their rivals. Once they had established their hives, they wouldn’t try to attack each other, but until then, it was a danger. Over the course of the next week or so, each queen would make several more mating flights until they carried enough seed to create a healthy colony.
She hadn’t created a swarm like this in years and was grateful for her cousin’s presence. Cass was the foundation she used to keep the human side of her mind free. Letting some instincts take over, she danced in circles on the grass and returned the piping calls of her new queens with reassuring trills of her own.
Several of her new swarm and existing hive caressed and groomed her huge body as they came and went from the new hives. She would have to stay shifted for the next several hours to give her new children a good start in life. Over the next week or so, she would shift again and repeat the process, only not creating new queens.