Bee Stung Page 7
She shook her head. “No, thank you. I’m okay, just a little bellyache.”
He nodded and finished his drink before setting the glass aside. “So, what brings you to the island?” he asked, hopping up to perch on the rail. His feet curled around rungs to keep him balanced.
The moonlight played with her face, creating intriguing shadows and hidden valleys that made his tongue tingle to explore. She looked haunted and vulnerable. He licked his lips, caught in her eyes again, the blue nearly swallowed by her wide-open pupils. The pale light caught on several tiny scars, which were invisible in warmer light.
Small white teeth caught her lower lip for a moment. “Starting over,” she replied, her voice a bare breath of sound. Shy interest filled her eyes, replacing the haunted look.
He cupped her jaw gently. Feathering his thumb over one of the tiny scars, he wondered what had caused them. When she leaned into his touch slightly, he traced the curve of her lower lip. “I’m glad you came,” he murmured, bending toward her, hovering just out of reach of a kiss.
Her lips parted as her lashes dipped, veiling her gaze from his for a moment. When they opened again, she touched his jaw with the tips of her fingers. The moment held and clung. He could feel threads weaving between them with an almost tangible sensation. This woman saw him. Her eyes would never skip over him as if he were nothing more than a shadow, like so many had in his life.
Easing gracefully off the deck rail, he drew her closer. “Dance with me, Rienne. Please?”
She nodded, ducking her head as pink darkened her cheeks.
Pulling her against his body, he swayed with the muffled music coming from the pub. Her cheek pressed against his as her fingers curled around his hand. Another muffled sigh sounded as she relaxed cautiously against him.
Song after song played as they drifted on the music. Finally, they pulled apart when the door opened.
Cass came outside with Dar, their fingers laced lightly together. “I was wondering where you got off to,” Cass said with a smile. “Are you ready to go?”
Rienne nodded and turned to smile at Foxglove shyly. “Thanks for the dances.” She pressed a fleeting kiss to his cheek.
Dar raised an eyebrow at him before following the women.
Foxglove touched his cheek and smiled slowly. Feeling smug, he scooped up his glass and strolled back into the pub.
Chapter Three
The next morning Shiloh stood at the door to the cabin Rienne was staying in. He knocked lightly, then stuck his hands in his jeans pockets as he waited for her to answer. He knew she was still there since her truck was parked right in front of the door. Hearing a step behind him, he turned.
Foxglove was walking up the path to the door, carrying a canvas bag. “Morning, Shiloh,” the younger man said with a smile.
“Good morning. What are you up to?” he asked with a grin.
Foxglove shrugged and looked away as his cheeks turned a dull red. “I thought I’d see if Rienne wanted to join me for breakfast down by the lake. Care to join us?” It was clear he was only making the offer for politeness’ sake.
Suppressing a smile he nodded. “That sounds great.” Disappointment filled the other man’s face. “I was going to show Rienne a few of the houses available. Want to come along if she’s up for it?” If Foxglove was willing to share, however grudgingly, his breakfast plans, Shiloh could only do the same.
Foxglove relaxed and nodded as his smile returned. “I would.”
Shiloh turned back around as the cabin door opened. Foxglove came to stand beside him.
Apprehension filled Rienne’s face as she faced them. “Hello,” she said cautiously. Her parrot sat on her shoulder, half-hidden in her hair. The bird peeked at them and mumbled a bit.
“Foxglove has brought us breakfast,” Shiloh said. “And I thought you might want to look over a few of the houses that are empty right now.” He didn’t mention the offer the town council had hashed out for her just yet.
Dandy and Thistle had brought up the old house last night, and the council liked their idea. But, Shiloh wanted to spend a little more time with the newcomer before he decided to offer her the house and job that came with it. Foster had given Rienne and Cass his approval last night, but Shiloh, for all his attraction to the small woman standing before him, was more careful.
Inviting someone to stay on the island was not a decision that should be made lightly. He still hadn’t gotten over his shock at how quickly Foster had accepted her. Even knowing his spell was in effect and the reason Rienne had passed the protections of the island, his old friend was usually more cautious. Having a stranger around, human or not, opened them to the risk of discovery. He was already a little irritated the small fey had been at the pub last night with their wings exposed, since he knew they could easily have hidden them before they arrived. It was a subject he had every intention of bringing up to the whole clan soon.
Such mistakes could all too easily put the whole island at risk.
Rienne bit her lip and stepped back. It was obvious she wasn’t comfortable inviting them into the cabin. Her hand went anxiously to her stomach.
“I thought we could sit by the water,” Foxglove said. He turned and pointed toward the tables placed near the shore.
Leaning to the side to gaze around Shiloh, she relaxed. “Oh, okay. I made some coffee if either of you would like some.”
Both men accepted her offer. Shiloh’s eyes narrowed at the sweet, shy, smile Rienne bestowed on Foxglove. He quickly cleared his expression when she gave him a similar smile. She went back into the cabin for the coffee, and he followed Foxglove.
She was bundled up in an oversize cardigan sweater, which fell nearly to her knees when she came back out. The parrot was nowhere in sight. Considering the cold she probably left it in the cabin. It was a damp, gray morning so the sweater made sense, but he regretted the necessity. The thin, stretchy T-shirt she’d been wearing when she answered the door was much more intriguing.
He stood quickly and met her when he saw she was trying to carry three mugs and a full carafe of coffee without dropping them. Her whispered thank-you was barely a sound.
This is going to be a good day, he thought as they sat down.
* * * *
Two weeks later…
Rienne hauled the last box up to the suite of rooms she’d claimed for herself on the third floor. There were two rooms separated by floor-to-ceiling shelves. Brass rods and floor-length curtains hung from the doorways in each section. The attic even had a small private bath for her use. She had lived in apartments with less space.
A roomy sitting area separated two large bedrooms at either end of the house. The stairs opened into the sitting room, framed by waist-high bookshelves instead of a railing. There hadn’t been much furniture upstairs, unlike the rest of the house. It was obvious no one had used the attic rooms in years. Luckily, the house hadn’t been carpeted anywhere. She shuddered at the thought of ancient carpet filled with dust mites and God knew what else.
She set the last box down with a sigh. A smile crossed her face as she took in the gleaming, freshly polished wood covering the walls and slanted ceilings. Dormer windows flooded the rooms with light in each section. Each window had a small bench chest built under it, which she had decorated with jewel-toned pillows. Most of her belongings were still in boxes, but her California queen bed had been set up in the eastern-facing room. Her clothing hung in an antique wardrobe in the bedroom or was folded neatly and tucked into the shelves.
I think the sitting room will look great when my furniture and books get here. I’ll have to call Helja and have her bring them out. I hope the sale goes through soon. She opened the box and started lining her shoes on another shelf. Jeez, I should get rid of some of these. I don’t think I’ve ever worn some.
She was thrilled with the job Shiloh had offered her. The town council wanted to have the old boarding house reopened. Apparently, they hadn’t been able to find someone to run the place after t
he last tenant had died. There were several people living on the island who didn’t want to keep a house or live alone, so they lived at the boarding house for companionship and home-cooked meals. The town supplied the food and paid the wages of the person who cooked and managed the place. The rental income went back into the town coffers.
She wasn’t making much, but not having to pay rent, utilities, or for food more than made up for it. Once her house sold, she’d actually be better off than she was before.
Since there was so much work to be done on the house, the town had hired Cass to help her get things ready. Rienne’s cooking seemed to have landed her the job. Cass was willing to help out with that as well, so she’d have days off. Rienne wasn’t sure how it was handled before.
There were eight bedrooms with small attached sitting rooms, and she had been warned they would all probably be filled within a month or two of reopening the boarding house. Each set of suites shared a bathroom. The tenants would have to set up their own cleaning schedule, since cleaning the private baths was not part of her duties.
Several people had already approached her about rooms, one of them being Shiloh. I have to admit having him living here will make me feel safer. She had been a little nervous about living with strangers. She was hoping she could talk him into taking the room closest to the stairs leading to her suite. Dandy and several of his friends had started showing up every day to help clean and make repairs on the house. They seemed to appreciate the food she made in return. After finding out they were hand washing their clothing, she had offered to do that as well, which they had accepted with heartfelt gratitude.
Foxglove was ever present, quietly getting chores done without fanfare.
Sometimes he brought her flowers or pretty stones he found. Little things that kindled a warm glow in her belly.
The more she got to know the men, the better she liked them. Dandy and Thistle confused her a little. They seemed to be pursuing her, but she had seen them locked together in more than one passionate embrace. Maybe they just want to add a woman in now and then. A few years ago she wouldn’t have minded a ménage, having been involved in several before, but after Tyler she didn’t think she’d be able to respond to anyone sexually. She would be too busy worrying about her body or her performance. Her self-confidence had taken as severe a beating as the rest of her.
She wasn’t sure she could handle anything casual and wasn’t sure she could handle anything serious either. So, where did that leave her?
At least she wasn’t having trouble eating anymore. Her stomach had stopped protesting every meal, and the island was starting to feel like home. So was the house. It was almost like meeting a long-lost friend the first time she had walked in. It was the house she had dreamed about as a little girl, only better.
Sorrow had claimed the newly repaired conservatory, which was kept warm enough by the hot spring. She liked it far more than the small area she’d had to roam in Iowa and was even happier than when she was on Cass’s porch. All in all, the new arrangement was perfect for both of them. If things worked out this summer, she might start thinking about a second parrot to keep Sorrow company.
Finishing with the shoes, she broke down the box and added it to the growing pile in the corner and scampered back downstairs. She wanted to check out a spot she thought would be good for her beehive. It received enough sun and shade at different times of the day, making it just right.
Darting around a corner, she crashed into a huge chest and squeaked as she was caught up in strong arms. Her eyes met Shiloh’s amused gaze.
“Where are you off to in such a hurry, little one?” he asked in a husky voice, pulling her more securely against his chest. He lowered his head until his mouth hovered just above hers.
Rienne licked her lips nervously. “I was going to unload my bees.”
“Mmm,” he murmured. His tongue flicked across her lower lip.
She gasped softly as he licked her again before settling his mouth over hers in a searing kiss. His lips teased and pulled at hers until she parted them to let him in. Lazily stroking her tongue with his, he slid his hands down her back and cupped her ass. He growled softly with satisfaction as he kneaded the full globes and backed her against the wall. Her arms crept around his waist, and she spread her fingers across the muscular planes of his back.
He lifted her off her feet without breaking the kiss, and she wound her legs around his hips reflexively.
Several minutes and leisurely kisses later, he raised his head and rested his forehead against hers. She could feel his erection pressing into her abdomen, and her core throbbed with arousal. “Wow.” Not once had she worried about how she looked or what he was thinking. The only thing she’d cared about was those drugging lips caressing hers and the hard body she was crushed against.
He nodded against her, breathing slowly and deeply. “I know you have many admirers, but please keep me in mind. I share well if it comes to that.” He gave her another lingering kiss. “Now, where do you want those bees?”
Rienne shook her head, feeling dazed. What did he mean by share? He can’t mean what I think he means, can he? She slowly unwound her legs as he eased her back into a standing position.
A few minutes later she was back to thinking some rather lascivious thoughts as she watched him set down the beehive carefully. He handled its considerable weight as if it were an empty cardboard box. “Thank you.”
He curled his hand around the back of her neck and bent to kiss her again. “I’ll see you tonight, little one.” One final searing kiss, and he was gone.
She turned her rather distracted attention back to the hive. The bees giggled at her and asked when she was going to have a mating flight. She smiled fondly at their gentle teasing and began coaxing them out. Within minutes she was covered with bees like a living skin of black-brown and yellow.
The Queen appeared at the entrance to the hive.
“Can you lay plenty of eggs?” she asked the bee quietly. “I am going to make more bees, but it would help if some of your children were available to make new hives.” The bees covering her started to fly away, inspecting their new home and looking for flowers.
“Yes,” the Queen trilled. “I have already started. The small men told me we were staying, and I’ve been getting ready for you, Mother.” She danced in circles, sharing her contentment at finally having a safe place. “The eggs are ready to be transferred to new hives. Lots of drones in the eggs for the new queens. We have plenty of honey left if you bring us the sweet water.” Sweet water was what the bees called the mix of liquid sugar and water Rienne fed them in the winter and spring.
“What small men?” Rienne asked curiously.
“The small winged men, Mother. They talk to us and tell us about the island. They are so happy we are here.” The Queen laboriously began working her way back inside the safety of her hive.
Rienne stood stunned. She only knew of one group of small winged men, but the real question was, how could they talk to bees like she did?
The last of the bees left her to go exploring, and Rienne slowly sank to the ground. She cradled her chin in her hand as she recalled Cass saying there was more going on with the people living on this island than she knew.
Deciding to worry about it later, she went looking for her cousin to broach the rather uncomfortable topic of seeing if her husband would be willing to donate some sperm.
* * * *
Rienne finished pinning her hair up before she slipped off her robe and stepped into the tub with a moan of pleasure. It was just a little too hot, and she felt her muscles starting to relax even before she sat down. Every part of her body ached from working in the yard today. Since she was alone for the time being, she had decided to take advantage of the quiet to sneak a soak. She had cleared the dead weeds from most of the stone paths around the house and now had a huge pile of refuse to start composting. The garden had a set of two boxed-off areas filled with the black soil of aged composting material under a
thick blanket of weeds. Tomorrow she’d move it out and set it aside to be tilled into the garden and refill them with the dead plants.
The roses were going to be more of a challenge. She hadn’t been able to find a ladder on the property. She’d ask the guys if they had one she could borrow.
Cass had said she’d talk to Dar and bring her back the sperm tomorrow if he didn’t have a problem with it. Rienne was glad her cousin was willing to do things in a roundabout way, because while Rienne liked Dar, she wasn’t interested in having sex with him. Ideally, she’d have to have sperm from at least five men in her body when she changed, to make sure the new queens would have a healthy stock of genetic material, but she could get by with one as long as she introduced new genes later. Besides, she wasn’t into orgies or gangbangs.
This would give her a decent start, though, and she could always collect some from her distant cousins and Jonathon later if necessary. Although, the queen in her existing hive had mated with many drones, so she might not have to worry about it. With the drones that had been laid for the new hives inbreeding shouldn’t be a problem.
It was supposed to be warm and sunny for the next few days, a rare occurrence this early in the year for this area. She wanted to take advantage of it. The quicker she could get new hives established, the healthier they would be since they would have more time to build up honey reserves. Dandy and Thistle had promised to have extra hive boxes set up in the morning. They were remarkably uncurious about why she needed them so soon.
That problem taken care of, she returned her thoughts to her bath, swirling her hands through the hot water and rubbing a soft washcloth along her legs and arms.
She loved the tubs in her new home. Each was a deep oval basin of perfectly placed carved stones. The hot water was supplied by the hot spring near the house. It bubbled into the tub from several smaller depressions around the back edge of the pool. Each depression was roughly five inches deep and a foot long with a higher lip along the back to force the water to flow into the tub.